Worship at St Luke's is to experience the sharing of God's love in a family and friendly environment. There are 2 services held every Sunday, each with a different character and worship style. Our services are supported with hymns, accompanied by Pipe Organ or Piano. The order of service and hymn words are all displayed in PowerPoint presentations, so easily followed by all. Our worship is normally led by our Rector who is supported by a team of Licenced Liturgical Assistance, readers and intercessors.
Additional services are run for Festivals, Saints Days, Christmas, Good Friday and Easter. See our EVENTS page for details.
7:00am Sunday - This service is based on the Australian Prayer Book, Second Order of Worship. It is Eucharist service with sung responses. Communion is offered each service.
9:00am Sunday - This service is designed to support family worship and is integrated with our Children's Ministry. The service maintains key elements of the Eucharist service, but presented in a less structured manner, allowing the Children to leave the service for the separate Children's Ministry program, then return later in the service. Communion is offered each service. This service will be live streamed on ZOOM.
A worship service for residents and friends is also held at Regis Aged Care, 279 Lillian Avenue Salisbury on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 1:30pm.
A mid-week service of Holy Communion is held at 9.30am on the last Wednesday of each month, and weekly during Lent.
St Luke's Church was consecrated in 1956. It has been progressively updated since then, with a PA system, video projection and screen, full air conditioning, and a ramp for disabled access to the front door. It can seat approx 150 in the Silky Oak pews. There are stained glass windows behind the Holy Table and on the west wall.
The pipe organ is by Charles Dirkson, installed in 1958, then reconditioned in the late 1980's. It is a 2 manual, 4 rank instrument, with extensions and a full pedalboard.
There is a large car park to the rear of the church, and an open "village green" area that was originally a tennis court.
The Parish Hall at St Luke's is next door to the church and has 2 areas - Upper and Lower. Both areas are used by the Parish and are available for hire, either for casual or ongoing use at competitive hourly/daily rates. Both Upper and Lower Hall areas are fully accessible for disabled users, and a disabled bathroom and baby change area is available.
The Upper Hall is fully air conditioned with a commercial grade kitchen including large gas range, oven and fridges. It can seat 90 for a sit down meal or accommodate approx 200 for a cocktail or standing event. It has a timber floor suitable for dancing or martial arts.
The Lower Hall is fully air conditioned and has a small kitchen area suitable for simple meal preparation and serving. It can seat approx 50 or hold approx 100 for a standing event.
More information is available here.
For all HALL HIRE ENQUIRES - Contact the office for details ph 3848 2123
Behind the Church, adjacent to the Green in the shade of trees is our Memorial Garden. Within the garden, the ashes of departed family and parishioners can be laid to rest, with a memorial plaque commemorating their life placed on the wall. For a nominal fee, a plot in the garden can be reserved.
For Memorial Garden enquires, Contact the Rector or the office on 3848 2123.
If you are interested in holding your wedding, a baptism (infant or mature age) or funeral in St Luke's please contact the Rector.
Weddings can be held in St Luke's. We can arrange organists, and provide some access to other services that may be required. Weddings can be held on Saturday's or other days by arrangement. Your service can utilise music of your choice through our PA system, and include video projections. The Hall can also be used for refreshments if required. Rates are by arrangement.
Baptism is a sacred rite where you welcomed into our Church and the Anglican faith by the pouring over of consecrated water. Parents may bring infant children for baptism, or if older children or mature age persons are interested, the Rector may run a short preparation course to ensure candidates are fully informed. Baptisms are usually conducted as part of our Sunday 9:00am worship service, and followed by a welcoming cake in the hall.
Funerals for parishioners, related family and others from our neighbourhood can be conducted in St Luke's. The church has full vehicle access to the front steps. The Rector is also available to conduct Funerals at local Funeral homes or the Crematoriums.
Contact the Rector for any information on Weddings, Baptism or Funerals - admin@stlukesekibin.org.au or 3848 2123
This centre has been closed due to Coronavirus restrictions and will not reopen at St Luke's. For all Centacare services, please phone 1300 236 822.
This area still under construction