Weekly letter from St Luke's - 11 August 2023
Dear Parish Friends
We extend our thanks to Fr Denis for his ministry with us while Timothy and June are enjoying a well earned break.
Our regular Bush Ministry stall will be held after both services on Sunday. Thank you to all for your generous donations and purchases to support our brothers and sisters in the bush.
Other reminders - The next play from the St Luke's Theatre Society, Macbeth, will be presented from 25th August to 9th September on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon matinees. It's sure to be good. It's also time to pick up your pen or keyboard, to write your contribution for the next edition of Church News. Honor has requested articles by 1st September.
Our services this weekend are 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (family service with communion - also streamed on Zoom). The weekly notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below.
While Rev'd Timothy and June are away on annual leave, there will not be a Sunday afternoon parish email. This week's 'taking faith home' leaflet is available today via the link below.
Yours in Christ
Chris (on behalf of Rev'd Timothy)