Weekly letter from St Luke's - 29 April 2022
Dear Parish Friends This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, and so there will be a service of Praise, Prayer and Proclamation on...
Site redevelopment update - April 2022
Key developments · Our Development Application was granted by the Brisbane City Council in late December 2021, with a number of...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22 April 2022
Dear Parish Friends This Sunday coming is the 'Second Sunday of Easter', Easter Day being the first Sunday. In fact we go on celebrating...
Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 14 April 2022
Dear Parish Friends As I write this email, I can smell the Hot Cross Buns that have been bought to share, over a cupa, after the 10am...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 8 April 2022
Dear Parish Friends This weekend we start the central week of the Christian Year, Holy Week, from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day. I...
Weekly Letter from St Luke's -1 April 2022
Dear Parish Friends First, a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10am we will be holding a Parish Meeting where the architects...