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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22 April 2022

Dear Parish Friends This Sunday coming is the 'Second Sunday of Easter', Easter Day being the first Sunday. In fact we go on celebrating Sunday's of Easter for seven weeks, until Pentecost! Our readings this weekend focus on what it means to believe in the fact of the resurrection. In our reading from Acts, this belief inspired Peter and the other apostles to preach boldly, despite the injunctions of the temple authorities to stop. The gospel writer John recalls that when he met the risen Lord, Thomas declared 'My Lord and my God!'. In the opening verses of the book of Revelation, John of Patmos (another John), describes Jesus as the 'faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead'. So our belief in Jesus and his resurrection should lead us to praise, but also to action. Our services are as usual at 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family service with communion). Children's ministry restarts at the 9am service which will also be streamed over Zoom. The order of service for the 9am service, the week's Notice Paper, and instructions for joining the Zoom stream are available via the buttons below. As Monday is ANZAC Day, we will remember this at the start of each of our services on Sunday (and remember what I said about 'remembering' at Easter - it is not just recollecting, but bringing something of the past into the present and making a difference to the future). Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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