Weekly letter from St Luke's - 29 July 2022
Dear Parish Friends There is a story that a schoolboy was asked what part of speech 'my' and 'mine' were. He answered 'Aggressive...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22 July 2022
Dear Parish Friends Our gospel passage this weekend is again very familiar: Jesus answering his disciples request to teach them how to...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 15 July 2022
Dear Parish Friends We’re continuing to come upon familiar passages as we read through the the gospel of Luke. This week it is the story...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 8 July 2022
Dear Parish Friends As we continue to read through Luke's gospel, we reach one of the most familiar parables that Jesus told, the Good...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 1 July 2022
Dear Parish Friends On this fourth Sunday after Pentecost, we continue to read through Luke's gospel, and see that right from the outset...