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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 8 July 2022

Dear Parish Friends

As we continue to read through Luke's gospel, we reach one of the most familiar parables that Jesus told, the Good Samaritan. Whilst most people read in this a call to be neighbourly, to look after our fellow men and women, Jesus' message is two-fold. First he addresses the question of 'who is my neighbour?', showing that this is not as straightforward as one might first perceive. But then note the context in which the parable was given. The lawyer who spoke to Jesus was asking what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus' answer was to follow the two great commandments, which come from the early days of the Jewish people, to love God, and to love neighbour.

Our services on Sunday are at 7am and 9am as usual. Zoom streaming will be included at 9am and the week's notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service are available via the links below.

Don't forget our trivia evening is on TONIGHT. You can come along and pay at the door ($15 - cash or EFTPOS). It is also possible to join in the fun by Zoom, using the Zoom connections at the link below.

The final redevelopment review meeting will be held tomorrow (Saturday) at 10.30am where we will discuss the church deck and modifications to the flower room at church. All welcome. Remember too that the full set of plans is available on our SharePoint site - if you have any questions or comments, please speak to myself or to a committee chair (Brian Wood: outside areas and church deck; Alison Lampe: Memorial Garden; Greg Rodger: Halls).

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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