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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 29 July 2022

Dear Parish Friends There is a story that a schoolboy was asked what part of speech 'my' and 'mine' were. He answered 'Aggressive Pronouns'! This could be a description of the rich man in Jesus' parable this week (Luke 12:13-21) who, when his harvest was abundant built bigger barns to keep it all in. He was self-centred, not looking beyond himself to either the needs of others, nor to the presence of the one who actually gave the abundance. Jesus is not criticising the man for having a physical abundance - indeed God's abundance is always celebrated in scripture - but for his lack of a corresponding moral, ethical and spiritual abundance. The picture that springs to my mind is to liken the man with the seagulls in the film 'Finding Nemo', who only say 'Mine! Mine! Mine!' Our services on Sunday are at 7am and 9am as usual. Zoom streaming will be included at 9am and the week's notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service are available via the links below. As this is a 'fifth Sunday', the 9am service will have a special liturgy incorporating activities for all ages. Children will remain in church with their families and there will not be a communion. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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