Weekly letter from St Luke's - 26 July 2024
Dear Parish Friends
If you are coming to church this Sunday, you will see that a major milestone has been reached in our redevelopment project. The old hall has been moved to the back of our site to its new position. This means that work can start in front of this where the new carpark will be and site access will move there.
In our gospel passage this weekend, we move to a reading from John, and the miracles of the feeding of the five thousand and of Jesus walking on water. In John's gospel the miracles are described as signs, pointing us readers to seeing who Jesus is. Here there are reminders of the OId Testament prophets such as Elijah (who performed miraculous feeding) and Moses (crossing the water), providing a link with what has gone before in God's relationship with the world. As the people remark (John 6:14), 'This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world', but, as the story pans out, in a profoundly new way.
Our 7am and 9am services are as usual (with Zoom streaming at 9am). Children's Church continues at 9am for term 3. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.
Last chance for booking our parish camp at Glengarry 3-4 August. You can book and pay online here, or else paper forms are available in church. If you are thinking of going, please book now! There are options to come just for the Saturday, or stay the whole weekend. Note that because of the camp, there will only be one service at St Luke's on Sunday 4th August at 9am.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy