Weekly letter from St Luke's - 19 July 2024
Dear Parish Friends
After the exciting narrative in our lectionary gospel passages over the last few weeks, stories of wise teaching, of miracles, and even of political intrigue, in the verses set from the gospel of Mark for this week less happens. They are just accounts of Jesus interacting with the crowds that thronged to see and hear him. But this is an important lesson. Just getting on with the regular business of mission, of being church, is as vital as spectacular events.
Our 7am and 9am services are as usual (with Zoom streaming at 9am). Children's Church restarts at 9am for term 3. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.
Bookings are still open for our parish camp at Glengarry 3-4 August. You can book and pay online here, or else paper forms are available in church. If you are thinking of going, please book now! There are options to come just for the Saturday, or stay the whole weekend. Note that because of the camp, there will only be one service at St Luke's on Sunday 4th August at 9am.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy