Weekly letter from St Luke's - 30 September 2020
Dear Parish Friends Yesterday, Tuesday 29th September, we celebrated the feast of St Michael and All Angels. This is special to June and...
St Luke's Day services - 18th October
We will be celebrating St Luke’s Day this year on Sunday 18th October with Bishop John Roundhill, who will be with us for both services...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 23 September 2020
Dear Parish Friends I gain much inspiration from the daily readings of Evening Prayer. Tonight we read from Paul’s letter to the...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 16 September 2020
Dear Parish Friends Last night the Parish Council voted to proceed with the proposed Anglican Early Learning Centre on our site at St....
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 9 September 2020
Dear Parish Friends One of the benefits of the Anglican tradition of Morning and Evening Prayer is that one systematically reads through...
Weekly letter from St Luke's - 2 September 2020
Dear Parish Friends This week we have had the fourth in the series of studies inspired by the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and this...