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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22 July 2022

Dear Parish Friends Our gospel passage this weekend is again very familiar: Jesus answering his disciples request to teach them how to pray by giving the prayer that has come to be known as The Lord's Prayer. As a model for prayer it has lasted the centuries. First we are reminded of to whom we are praying, giving God the glory, before encompassing our present (food), past (forgiveness) and future (fidelity). It has been said that we can use the Lord's Prayer either at the start of our private devotions, where it will awaken holy desires leading us into the right pathways of prayer, or at the end, where it sums up all we ought to pray for in the presence of God. Our services on Sunday are at 7am and 9am as usual. Zoom streaming will be included at 9am and the week's notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service are available via the links below. Given the increased prevalence of COVID-19 and flu in the community, you are strongly recommended to wear masks in church, to physically distance from those not of your own household, and to follow the signage and only sit in alternate pews. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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