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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 14 April 2022

Dear Parish Friends

As I write this email, I can smell the Hot Cross Buns that have been bought to share, over a cupa, after the 10am family service tomorrow morning. This will be a great service for all ages as we think about the difference that Good Friday makes to the world today. There will be singing, stories and activities for all.

A more reflective service will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2pm with readings from St John's gospel, prayer and hymns. This will also be streamed over Zoom (see details to access via button below)

Saturday evening begins the celebration of the Resurrection, with a vigil service on Zoom. We are reminded that the events of Easter were the cumulation of God's plan throughout history, so we hear the Old Testament story, with the tensions mounting, until we reach the Easter morning gospel, and St Paul's reflection on the meaning of it all.

Then on Sunday, our first service is at 6.30am (note the time) when we will light the new Paschal Candle. The family service is at 9am as usual (also on Zoom). At both services we will be renewing out baptismal vows.

But first, today is Maundy Thursday, and we have a service at 7.30pm (also streamed on Zoom). I look forward to seeing those able to join us at this service, and throughout this holy weekend.

A Celtic Easter prayer:

You are the peace of all things calm,

You are the place to hide from harm.

You are the light that shines in dark,

You are the heart's eternal spark.

You are the door that's open wide,

You are the guest who waits inside.

You are the light, the truth, the way,

You are my Saviour this very day.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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