Weekly letter from St Luke's - 13 August 2021
Dear Parish Friends We are able to return to St Luke's this weekend for our usual services at 7am and 9am. The 9am service will still be streamed over Zoom and the order of service is available at the link below, together with the week's Notice Paper. Masks will still need to be worn in church, so we will once again abbreviate the singing/speaking. Our readings once again contain a great psalm. The people of God are sustained by praise which reminds us of the power and providence of God. Psalm 111 is a guide to praise. We are told in verse one that we should do this with our whole heart, and we should do this corporately, 'in the congregation'. Then we are reminded of the great history of God's goodness to us and all peoples; assurances that God will continue in faithfulness. Finally we are told that this understanding is the beginning of wisdom (verse 10) - and we will reflect more on Wisdom through our Old Testament reading of the start of King Solomon's reign. Congratulations to Peter and Anne Pressdee on their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. Peter and Anne are Helen Hutchings' parents and often join us on a Sunday by Zoom. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy