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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 15th June 2024

Dear Parish Friends

When we pray the Lord's Prayer, which we do every week, we petition 'Your Kingdom come...on earth as in heaven'. Although Mark's gospel does not include this prayer (it is in Matthew and Luke, Mark is clear that the Jesus' promises of the Kingdom are not just for a future time, but something that can grow in the present, even though we can't always recognise it. Hence the parables in this week's portion of the gospel about seeds, headed by the 'the kingdom of God is...'. Here the kingdom grows without any human involvement. However, we need to remember that the aim of parables is to illustrate a single point, and not to be a 'complete definition', so whilst the message here is that it is God's grace that brings growth, there are still things that we are called to do in partnership with God for the work of the Kingdom.

Our 7am and 9am services follow our usual format (with Zoom streaming at 9am). This is the final week of Children's Church for term 2 (but do remember that children are always welcome and there will be a children's talk every Sunday at 9am). The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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