Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 1st October 2021
Dear Parish Friends
Given the news from the Queensland Government Press Conference, where the latest clusters of COvid-19 infections appear to be under control, we expect to be able to gather together in church this Sunday. However we need to return to wearing masks throughout the services, and so we will go back to the changes we have been making for these circumstances.
Don't forget the Car Boot Sale on Saturday morning from 7am. This is going ahead, with precautions taken to ensure that this is a Covid-safe event.
Being the first Sunday of the month, there will be a service on Zoom on Saturday evening at 6pm, as well as the Sunday morning 9am service being streamed as usual. Service sheets and the weekly notice paper are available via the links below.
On Sunday we will keep the feast of St Francis. You are invited to bring your pets to either service for a blessing (or a photo if this might be too stressful for them). St Francis has long had a n association with animals. He is famously recorded as preaching to birds (perhaps they were more attentive listeners?). He is also the patron saint of ecologists, and so we give thanks this weekend for the whole created order, and pray that we might respond to the need to work together to protect the environment.
A prayer of St Francis:
Most High, Glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of our minds.
Give us a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect charity,
so that we may always and in all things act according to
Your Holy Will. Amen.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy