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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 2 July 2021

Dear Parish Friends As you are well aware, the situation regarding the coronavirus restrictions are in a state of flux. Currently the lockdown in the Brisbane area is scheduled to stop at 6pm on Saturday, but we will not know for certain until tomorrow morning. Currently we are planning to hold services in person at St Luke's on Sunday, but this will be confirmed once we hear the government announcement tomorrow. As this is the first week of the month there WILL be a Zoom service of Praise, Prayer and Proclamation at 6pm on Saturday. The service at 9am of Sunday will also be available streamed on Zoom whether it is from St Luke's or the Rectory. The notice paper and service outlines are available from the links below, and will be updated tomorrow if necessary. Yesterday marked the 150th anniversary of the arrival in the Torres Strait of missionaries from the London Mission Society. The 1st of July is remembered as 'The Coming of the Light'. As it is a special anniversary this year, we will celebrate it at our service(s) on Sunday, joining with St Paul and all who worship "the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6). Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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