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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 20th May 2022

Dear Parish Friends

Amongst our readings this weekend is another great psalm:

May God be gracious to us and bless us

and make his face to shine upon us,

that your way may be known upon earth,

your saving power among all nations.

Let the peoples praise you, O God;

let all the peoples praise you.(Psalm 67:1-3)

We are reminded that we are inheritors of these great promises, both that God will bless us, and that the knowledge of God will spread. These are inextricably linked. God's blessing both inspires us to proclaim God's name and works, but also the blessing itself is a proclamation of God. This is worked out in the life of the church, and we will again read from the book of Acts and how the spirit moved amongst Paul and his companions.

Our services will be as usual on Sunday tomorrow. See below for links to the week's notice paper and the order of service for the 9am service, which will also be streamed over Zoom. I am to have installed the new AV computer in time, so the sound quality over Zoom should be improved.

After the services, at approximately 10.15am, there will be a meeting to discuss the impact of the redevelopment project on the church building itself. Whilst the church will not be substantially affected, the architect and others have made some proposals for our consideration. These largely relate to compliance with fire and accessibility regulations, and to better integrate the church with the rest of the site. Parishioners may have further ideas as well that could be considered. All welcome to come and discuss. The meeting will last no more than an hour. To help you prepare for this meeting, details of what is being considered are available in this document.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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