Weekly letter from St Luke's - 21 October 2022
Dear Parish Friends
After celebrating St Francis and St Luke the last two weekends, we return to the lectionary moving through the teachings of Jesus in Luke's gospel. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector praying at the temple (Luke 18:9-14), is another example of Jesus' sayings that we think we understand, but then, as we think more about the story find more depth to it. Who do we relate most to? Who are we most like?
Our services are at the usual times of 7am and 9am, with Zoom streaming also available at 9am. The order of service for 9am and the week's notice paper are available via the links below.
You will see in the notice paper, that, with the expiration of most of the Queensland government Coronavirus restrictions, the parish council have felt that this is the time to relax some of the changes we have made in our services. In particular we will revert to distributing the bread and wine at the communion rail at the 7am service. We will remain with the current practice of distributing the communion at the chancel step at the 9am service, as this is a less formal setting. Please be assured that we are aware that Covid-19 hasn't gone away, and hand sanitiser will still be available, and masks provided for those who would like to wear them. Also, please stay at home if you are feeling unwell and join us by Zoom.
Looking forward, in two week's time we will be celebrating All Saints and All Souls. There will be a special service of Evening Prayer to remember those who have died in the past year and others that you would like to bring to mind. This service will be at 6pm on Saturday 5th November (and will also be streamed on Zoom). A list for names to be remembered will be available at the back of church this Sunday and next, or you can send the Parish Office an email.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy