Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22nd August 2021
Dear Parish Friends I look forward to welcoming you to our services in person or (at 9am) by Zoom this Sunday. The order of service for the 9am streamed service is available on the website, together with the week's Notice Paper. Our understanding of the revised health regulations is that masks will still need to be worn in church, so we will once again abbreviate the singing/speaking. At the 9am service we will welcome Robyn Maxwell, the chaplain at Weller's Hill State School, who will share her highs and lows of working with a school community in these ever-changing times. When I looked at this week's Psalm in my bible (rather than the Liturgical Psalter that we read from on Sunday), I noticed that at the end of verse 4 and of verse 8 was the Hebrew word Selah. I couldn't find a translation for this, but it appears to be either an instruction to the singers to pause, or a blessing meaning 'forever'. Either are worthy things to include as we join with faithful people through the millennia with the Psalms. We ought to frequently pause and contemplate what we have heard, and give thanks to the one who was 'is in the beginning, is now, and forever'. Amen! Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy