Weekly letter from St Luke's - 23 December 2022
Dear Parish Friends I look forward to welcoming you to our services at St Luke's for Christmas this weekend:
Christmas Eve at 7pm. A service for all the family, including communion. Also streamed on Zoom (see link below for service sheet).
Christmas Eve at 11pm. Holy Communion. Come early to sing carols together from 10.30pm.
Christmas Day at 9am. Family Communion for Christmas.Also streamed on Zoom (see link below for service sheet).
The notice paper is also available by the link below, as is a reminder of how to connect to our Zoom stream. There won't be a parish email on Sunday afternoon, but recordings of the two Zoom services will be uploaded here. The weekly 'taking faith home' sheet is here, and the parish calendar and roster for January is here. Note that evening prayer will NOT be said on Zoom next week, but there will be a special service for New Year's Eve at 6pm on Saturday 31st December. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; for to us a child is born, to us a son is given. (Isaiah 9:2,6) I bring you good news of great joy for all people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord. (Luke 2.10–11) Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy