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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 25th August 2022

Dear Parish Friends

Our Art Show, in association with Lilly Lee Studios is almost upon us. Please come and view the art and meet the artists and members of our local community on Saturday 10-4 or Sunday 10-3. Food (sausage sizzle outside on the lawn and cafe inside) will be available and we will have EFTPOS facilities.

If you are free to give a hand with the setting up, then please come along tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday around 9am. We need to move some fencing panels up to the hall tomorrow, and set up for the food sales on Saturday.

Our services on Sunday will be as usual at 7am and 9am, with Zoom available at 9am. The week's notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. Note that after the 9am service morning tea will be in the upper hall. In the gospel passage for the day (Luke 14:7-14), Jesus tells a parable about how guests ought to behave at a wedding feast. This echoes advice given in the book of proverbs (25:6-7), and brings together ideas of how we ought to live together in community, as well as a foretaste of the Kingdom.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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