Weekly letter from St Luke's - 26th June 2021
Dear Parish Friends I look forward to sharing our services with you this Sunday, the fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Links to the weekly notice paper and 9am service (which will be streamed as usual over Zoom) are available on our website. Our Psalm this weekend (Psalm 130) seems like one set for the beginning of Advent, with its line "My soul looks for the Lord: more than watchmen for the morning, more, I say, than watchmen for the morning" (verse 6). The image of the Lord's coming is something that we await, with eager expectancy, as we know that He will come. The hymn we sang at both our services last week, "Our God reigns", includes this vision in its second verse as a result of the good news being proclaimed. Here the psalmist puts this in the context of verse 1: "Out of the depths I have called you" God will come to us, as we call to him from whatever our current situation is, just as the morning will always come after a dark night. This is indeed the good news that we bring. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy