Weekly letter from St Luke's - 27 May 2021
Dear Parish Friends
I am sending this email earlier this week as I also wanted to remind those who knew Bobby McLune that her funeral is to be held tomorrow morning, Friday at 11am at St Luke’s. There will be space for those of our congregation who would like to be there to attend.
Our services this Sunday are for Trinity Sunday, and the notice paper and order of service for the 9am service, that will also be streamed over Zoom, are attached.
It might seem that celebrating a doctrine, rather than an event in Jesus’ or the church’s life might be a bit dry. Although we, week by week, worship God as triune, one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we don’t often contemplate what this means. This Sunday is an opportunity to reflect on the mystery of God, of how God has revealed God’s self to us through the scripture in this way, and on what this means to us practically.
Yours in Christ
Rev’d Timothy