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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 28 September 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Rev'd Libby Crossman will be leading worship this Sunday. The weekly notices and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. As school holidays have started, there will not be Children's Church, but remember that children are always welcome, and there will still be a children's talk in the 9am service.

We celebrate this weekend the feast of St Michael and all angels. It is a day when we are reminded of the spiritual forces at work in the cosmos which are beyond our ability to fully describe (hence the language of the book of Revelation). However through all this we are assured that we are under the care of God who communicates with us (angels being messengers of God), and that ultimately the powers of chaps will not prevail (the image of St Michael in Revelation 12).

The notice paper makes note of a decision by Parish Council to make a final decision over the removal of the pulpit at their next meeting. An open meeting will be held on Sunday 13th October, and more details of what is proposed can be read here.


Rev'd Timothy


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