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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 31st May 2024

Dear Parish Friends

From this Sunday, right the way through to November, we are now in what the church calls 'ordinary time'. This doesn't mean they are not extraordinary, for they all celebrate the resurrection. Ordinary in this sense means numbered. These are the Sundays out with the major seasons of the church (Lent, Easter, Advent). This year, in our lectionary we therefore return to the gospel of Mark and read through the accounts of Jesus' ministry. This week we have two passages that bring into relief attitudes to the Sabbath, and by extension our attitude to Sunday. In Mark 2:27-28 Jesus says “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.” What does this mean for us today?

Our services on Sunday are at the usual times of 7am and 9am, with the 9am services also be streamed on Zoom. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below. Children's Church continues for term two during the 9am service.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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