Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 4th November 2022
Dear Parish Friends
Last Tuesday, 1st November, was All Saints day, and the following day All Soul's Day. In the parish we are celebrating these this weekend, with a service for All Souls on Saturday evening (6pm) and services for All Saints on Sunday (7am and 9am). The Saturday service and the Sunday 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and the liturgies for these can be downloaded from the links below.
All Saints’ Day celebrates men and women in whose lives the Church as a whole has seen the grace of God powerfully at work. Some are widely known, others to only a few, but this is a time to be encouraged by all their examples and to recall that sanctity may grow in the ordinary circumstances, as well as the extraordinary crises, of human living.
All Soul’s Day (which we celebrate tonight) celebrates the saints in a more local and intimate way. It allows us to remember with thanksgiving before God those whom we have known more directly: those who gave us life, or who nurtured us in faith. In the context of Evening Prayer, we will read the names of those who have died over the past year, and those further back whom we wish to remember as being formative in our lives. If you are unable to come to the service, but would like names mentioned, please send these to me by email. Those on Zoom can send names during the service via the chat function.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy