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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 7 January 2022

Dear Parish Friends

Please find attached this weekend's notice paper and service outline for the 9am service. We are still meeting in person at St Luke's at 7am and 9am, and all are welcome, but please be mindfull of each other's safety at this time by wearing your mask, maintaining physical distancing, and not coming to church if you are feeling unwell. The 9am service is, as usual, also streamed over Zoom.

We are celebrating the Baptism of Jesus, an event in Jesus life that both proclaimed why he had come and marked the start of his public ministry. It is therefore a good time to reflect on our own baptism and how we live this out in our own ministry for God in the world.

Gatherings are not easy in the current climate, and the CMS Summer School has been cancelled for next week. However they are offering three online sessions that are free to listen to. You need to register for the livestreams by 19am on Saturday (sorry for short notice) at

Bishop Cameron (Bishop of the Western Region) has sent this prayer, which originates from Canterbury Cathedral for this time:

Almighty God,

healer of the sick and strength of the weak,

look with mercy on all who suffer at this time.

Bring healing to those who are sick,

bring peace to those who are anxious,

bring strength to those who care for them,

and wisdom to our leaders

that our whole society may journey together

through this difficult time

with determination and generosity,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Finally, Happy 90th Birthday today to Naomi Tatzenko!

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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