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Holy week and Easter services

Palm Sunday 24 March

7am Palm procession and Holy Communion

9am Palm procession, family service and Communion (also on Zoom)

Monday-Wednesday 25-27 March

9am Morning Prayer

6pm Evening Prayer (on Zoom)

Maundy Thursday 28 March

9am Morning Prayer

6pm Evening Prayer (on Zoom)

7.30pm  Holy Communion followed by the Watch

Good Friday 29 March

9am Morning Prayer

10am Family service (also on Zoom)

2pm Devotions at the Cross.

6pm Evening Prayer (on Zoom)

Holy Saturday 30 March

9am  Morning Prayer

6pm Easter Eve readings, music and prayers (on Zoom)

Easter Day 31 March

6.30am Lighting of the Paschal Candle and Holy Communion (followed by Resurrection Breakfast)

9am Family service and Communion (also on Zoom)



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