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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 31 January 2025

Dear Parish Friends

This Sunday we will celebrate the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the temple and in our gospel reading from Luke 2 meet Simeon (whose song is known as the Nunc Dimittis) and Anna, two people who had been waiting for their whole lives to see the moment when God's promises to redeem humankind would come to fruition. They look back to the work of God in the past and the promises of the prophets, give thanks for the joy of their present in seeing the baby Jesus, and look forward with hope to the new covenant - even though they themselves would not see it on earth. We are reminded that we too are part of the story of God's grace, that stretches from long before we were born and will continue long after we die, and we live in this hope.

This weekend marks a couple of new beginnings. Children's Church launches for 2025 during the 9am service at which the leaders for this year will be commissioned. Then we also welcome Juliet Briner, who will be with us this year as part of her training to become a priest. She will be commissioned during the 7am service and also welcomed at 9am. Our services are as usual: 7am Holy Communion and 9am Family Communion (with Zoom streaming and Children's Church).


Rev'd Timothy


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