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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 5 February 2021

Dear Parish Friends

This being the first weekend of the month, there will be an online service on Saturday at 6pm in addition to our Sunday services. The service sheets for the online services are attached, along with the week’s notice paper.

In our gospel this week we read that Jesus needed to go away from the busyness into a ‘deserted’ place to pray and connect with his Father. As I write in the notice paper, deserts are not barren places, but places of opportunity, so I offer this prayer:

Dear Lord, I know that wherever I am, You are with me—guiding, protecting, providing. You make a mountain into a way; You make streams flow in the desert; You cause a root to grow out of dry ground. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to see You work when all hope seems lost. Amen

I look forward to worshipping with you all this weekend.

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Timothy


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