Weekly letter from St Luke's - 26 March 2021
Dear Parish Friends
Attached is this weekend’s notice paper and order of service for the 9am service which will a usual be streamed over Zoom.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and so we will start both 7am and 9am services outside with the blessing of our palm crosses and reading the account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We then process into the church and hear the rest of the Passion narrative. This speaks for itself and so afterwards there is no sermon, but we sit in reflection.
During the 9am service the children will be participating in Children’s Messy Church, so do invite all to this. The morning concludes with a sausage sizzle for all.
This then marks the start of Holy Week. Services during the week are listed in the Notice Paper, but I draw your attention especially to Good Friday morning where we will have an all-age service, taking a journey with Jesus from Palm Sunday through Good Friday to Easter Day. This would be a great opportunity to invite people to come and hear the Easter message. Then at both our services on Easter Day (the first one starting at 6.30am) there will be an opportunity for us to renew our baptismal vows.
Yours in Christ
Rev’d Timothy