Weekly letter from St Luke's - 28 October 2021
Dear Parish Friends
This Sunday is the fifth Sunday in October and so we will be holding the next of our special all-age service of praise and prayer at 9am with an augmented music group leading our singing and activities for young and old during the service (the children will remain in church with their families). This is an excellent opportunity to invite family and friends. The service will be streamed on Zoom as usual and there will not be communion. The order of service is available at the link below (as is the week's notice paper).
The 7am service will be as usual.
The bible passages set for this Sunday are some of my favourites. From the Old Testament we read the start of the story of Ruth. Here everything seems to have gone wrong for Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, but in all this Ruth chooses to go with Naomi to an uncertain future. In this she is responding in love. Then in our gospel passage from Mark we hear Jesus telling us of the greatest commandments; again it is love.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy