Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 10 December 2021
Dear Parish Friends
We are now at the third Sunday in Advent, and Christmas is coming upon us fast. I am looking forward to the Carol Service on Sunday afternoon (join us for a sausage sizzle from 5pm, with carols from 6pm). The collection at this service will be for Wellers Hill State School Chaplaincy, and the chaplain Robyn Maxwell will be joining us.
Then on Tuesday 14th, at 1.30pm, we will hold a Christmas service for the residents at Regis, Salisbury. All are welcome (you need to be fully vaccinated against Covid19 to enter the site). Some members of our choir will be leading the singing and there are opportunities for others to help with readings and prayers - let me know if you can help.
Tomorrow morning (Saturday 11th) at 10am we will be putting up the Christmas tree in St Luke's in readiness for the carol service. Families are welcome to join June and myself to help.
But, despite all this, we are still in the season of Advent, still travelling, still waiting. Not just for the celebration of Christmas, but for the 'hope to which [God] has called you...the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints' (Ephesians 1:18).
An Advent Poem from Ruth Burgess of the Iona Community:
Bright star-maker God
travel with us
through Advent
shine into our
dark corners
lead us into
ways of justice
warm us
with joy and wonder
bring us
to new birth.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy