Weekly letter from St Luke's - 19 November 2021
Dear Parish Friends This Sunday we come to the last Sunday in the church's year. The year starts with anticipating Jesus' birth and ends with this celebration of Christ's reign in glory. But the readings, which again include apocalyptic passages from Daniel and Revelation, direct us to think too of Christ's present reign. In our gospel passage Jesus says "I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." We are reminded that 'truth' is more than just believed or thought, but something that is done, something that inspires and directs our lives. As usual the order of service for the 9am service (streamed on Zoom) is available at the link below, together with the week's notice paper). Don't forget too the St Cecilia Day concert on Sunday afternoon at 2pm in St Luke's Catholic CHurch, Buranda. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy