Weekly letter from St Luke's - 21 July 2023
Dear Parish Friends Our gospel message this weekend continues Jesus' agricultural illustrations about the kingdom with another seed-related parable. Good seed is sown by the landowner, but an enemy sows weeds as well. But rather than directing his servants to remove the weeds, the landowner says wait until harvest, because until then it is both hard to identify what is wheat and what is weed, and they are inextricably linked. On one hand we could read this as a reminder of the duality that exists between good and evil in the world, but we see too that often it is not clear cut and it is only God and his angels at the end of the age who really know. Meanwhile we live in the current messy world, living in the assured hope, as St Paul puts it of 'the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God' (Romans 8:19). As usual, our services this weekend are 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family communion service with Zoom link and Children's Church). The weekly notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. Don't forget the trivia night, this evening. 7pm for a 7.30pm start. All welcome for a fun evening of head-scratching. There will be raffles and food. Entry is $10/head (EFTPOS available). It is also possible to join in via Zoom - contact me for the details. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy