Weekly letter from St Luke's - 26th April 2024
Dear Parish Friends
After last Sunday's 'I am the Good Shepherd', this week we have 'I am the true vine'. Another image used the gospel writer to express the relationship that exists between God and Jesus, between Jesus and his followers, and amongst Jesus' followers. The vine in particular is used to illustrate the necessity of connectivity, without which there can be no life and growth, no expression of fruitfulness. But the image goes further. Just as a vine needs to be tended in order to be fruitful, so too are our relationships. The word used for 'pruned' referring to the vine, has the same root as 'cleansed', which Jesus uses to describe his disciples. This cleansing is by 'the word that [Jesus] has spoken'. Thus we are entreated to actively abide in Jesus.
Our services are at the usual times of 7am and 9am, with the 9am services also be streamed on Zoom. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below. Children's Church continues for term two during the 9am service.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy