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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 23 August 2024

Dear Parish Friends

In our gospel passage this week, we are continuing to read through John 6, about Jesus the bread of life, and if all seem so complicated - certainly those first disciples and those who listed to Jesus thought so, such that many stopped following Jesus. But in verse 68, Peter says that he will stay, saying "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. Jesus’ teachings may be challenging, but he does not shy away from them. Jesus continues to offer hard truths that, if we remain with him, can profoundly benefit us. Are we willing to stay with our Teacher even when his teachings seem complicated?

Services are at the usual times of 7am and 9am, with Zoom streaming and Children's Church at 9am. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.

Don't forget, if you are interested, the meetings on Saturday: Sustainability and Environmental group at 10am; 100th year history and celebrations at 11am; and young church at 2pm.


Rev'd Timothy


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