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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 2nd June 2023

Dear Parish Friends

This weekend in the church calendar we celebrate Trinity Sunday. The Trinity is more than an incomprehensible metaphysical formulation from theologians of a past era, nor is it just 'what we say in church'. As we reflect on the Trinity, we find that it is intrinsic to our understanding of God and the relationship between us and God. God is our creator, redeemer, sustainer; the one who made love, who loves us, and enables us to love others. For the Celtic church, the triune-God was intimately connected to the whole of creation as the great hymn, 'St Patrick's Breastplate' attests to:

I arise today

through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity'

through belief in the threeness,

through confession of the oneness

of the Creator of Creation.

Many of our congregation (48 at latest count) will be away this weekend on our Parish Camp at Glengarry. We are all looking forward to sharing a time of fun fellowship and food together.

Because of the parish camp, there will only be a single service at St Luke's at 9am. This service will be steamed on Zoom as usual, but there won't be Children's Church.The weekly notice paper and order of service are attached below.

STOP PRESS! The June edition of Church News has just been published on our website. Access it here.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy

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