Weekly letter from St Luke's - 30 September 2022
Dear Parish Friends This Sunday we welcome as our preacher the Rev’d Canon Cheryl Selvage. Cheryl is Diocesan Hospital Ministries Coordinator and Head of Department Pastoral Care at Princess Alexandra Hospital. I am delighted that she has agreed to visit us, as this month our mission focus will be hospital chaplaincy. Our services are as usual at 7am and 9am, with Zoom streaming available at 9am. The order of service for 9am and the week's notice paper are available via the links below. I look forward to worshipping with you and your families this weekend (yes I know there is a public holiday on Monday...). The second letter to Timothy, the start of which is set for this Sunday, reminds is that faith grows in community; one generation passes the knowledge of God’s grace on to the next. As the parish council met late this month, the rosters for October are only now available. Here is a link to the roster; printed copies will be in church on Sunday. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy