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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 9 June 2023

Dear Parish Friends Our services this weekend return to the normal times of 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family service, with children's church and Zoom link). The weekly notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. This is the second Sunday after Pentecost, but as the feast of St Barnabas falls on Sunday we will be keeping the festival, especially in acknowledgment of the former church of St Barnabas that was part of our parish. Hearing about the lives of the saints is always a good thing and we can learn much to help us on our life's journey as we seek to follow Jesus. From Barnabas, a sometime companion of St Paul, we take note of his generosity, both materially and spiritually, and his strong calling to be an encourager. A reminder that there will be a Bush Ministry Stall, raising funds for the Bush Ministry Fund's support of the Leichhardt-Chinchilla Anglican Mission Area, after both services on Sunday. Also note that the St Luke's Theatre Society's second play of the season open this evening at Yeronga Church Hall. For details, and to book, see here. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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