Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 16 April 2021
Dear Parish Friends
Here is the notice paper and order of service for the 9am service (also streamed on Zoom) for this Sunday, the third Sunday of Easter. It will be good to be able to come together without having to wear masks (but remember that other Coronavirus protection regulations such as physical distancing, hand sanitising and ‘check-in’ for contact tracing purposes are still in place).
As we have been unable to ‘pass the plate’ since the start of the Covid-19 situation, we have been leaving it at the back of church by the font for your donations. It would be good if you could place your donations in the plate as you arrive, rather than at the end of the service, and then we can still bring these forward at the offertory to the Holy Table to be received. Of course there are online methods of donating as well – see the details on the back page of the Notice paper.
Our gospel reading this weekend is another of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, this time as recorded by Luke. To me the most striking thing about this passage is that Jesus eats a piece of broiled fish (Luke 24:42)! Luke is taking great pains to tell his readers that after the resurrection Jesus was a physical being – the disciples had not just seen a ghost, or imagined what they saw. Thus what had happened to Jesus was indeed something striking and new, and thus evidences the reality of all that Jesus had taught.
Yours in Christ
Rev’d Timothy