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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 19 October 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Come and celebrate with us this weekend as our parish turns 100! The first minister in Ekibin was appointed on St Luke's Day in 1924, in advance of the first building on our site, St Luke's church hall, which opened in January 1925.

The gospel reading set for the day tells of Jesus sending his followers out in pairs to tell the message 'peace to this house!' Although people did come to Jesus to hear him teach and see him heal, Jesus also knew that it was important to reach out to others. This is what happened in 1924, when the new church was planted here in Ekibin, originally under the auspices of St Phillip's, Thompson Estate (now Annerley). And this is what we are continually called to do. In our centenary year this will include the opening of the Anglican Early learning Centre on our campus.

Work on our redevelopment it moving on at a rapid pace, and over the next few weeks this will involve work within the church building itself. This means that the church will only be accessible at weekends until early December. More details are given in the notice paper.

Our services on Sunday are as usual. 7am Holy Communion, and 9am Family Communion. The 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's Church. See the links below for a copy of the week's notice paper and order of service for 9am.


Rev'd Timothy


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