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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 23 September 2022

Dear Parish Friends

This Sunday we conclude our celebration of the Season of Creation with Cosmos Sunday. I suggested a couple of weeks ago that you might like to take a purposeful walk outside and see God in the midst of creation, looking at the fauna and flora with whom we share this planet. But did you also look up at night and see the moon and the stars? These too are part of God's creation. And there is more, beyond what the naked eye can see as space telescopes and electron microscopes can reveal, and more beyond even that! We will reflect on this, in the context of the wisdom of God at our services on Sunday, 7am and 9am as usual (with Zoom streaming also at 9am). See below for the week's notice paper and 9am service sheet.

At the 9am service we will sing a new hymn by Martin Lekebusch, to a familiar tune, Thaxted ('I vow to thee my country'). The first verse is this:

Let all creation's wonders and countless angel hordes

unite in ceaseless worship to praise the Lord of lords:

he spoke, and formed the cosmos; he set the stars in place;

his voice defines the contours of interstellar space--

let sun and moon extol him and every planet sing;

across the constellations let alleluias ring.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy


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