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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 3 March 2023

Dear Parish Friends Our gospel passage this Sunday contains 'that' verse, John 3:16. It seems such a straightforward statement, the wonderful truth that God loves the world, and that through belief we can share in the life of the Kingdom, both now and in eternity. But then we think deeper and wonder quite what it means, and there our passage give us comfort. Nicodemus is not afraid to ask the seemingly obvious questions, and Jesus gently helps him grow in understanding. We won't understand it all, but we will surely grow closer to God. This Sunday our services are as usual: APBA Holy Communion Order Two at 7am and then Family Service with communion and Children's Ministry at 9am (also streamed on Zoom). The week's notice paper and 9am service sheet are linked below. As we are in the season on Lent, you are encouraged to arrive a little earlier for service. Five minutes before the advertised service time a bell will be rung and the sentence of the day said, and then you are invited to pray silently until the service starts on the hour. Sunday is also 'Clean up Australia Day' and so you are invited to join us litter picking from the church to Arnwood Street Park. Remember hats, gloves, sunscreen and long sleeve shirt for sun protection. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy


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