Weekly letter from St Luke's - 7 May 2021
Dear Parish Friends
Welcome to a big weekend in the parish!
Tonight at 7pm our Art Show is being opened by Kerry Holland (wife of Bishop Jonathan Holland). This is a free ticketed event, but there are still tickets available. Go to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/150355700949 and then click ‘register’ and choose tickets for the 7pm event. Light refreshments will be available.
The Art Show then continues (free entry) 9am-4pm on Saturday and 10am-2pm on Sunday. Refreshments will be sold by the Kofi Club on Saturday and we will share morning tea after the 9am service in the Upper Hall with the artwork. Some of the paintings are for sale and EFTPOS is available.
Our preacher at both services on Sunday (the sixth Sunday of Easter) is the Rev’d Mike Uptin who is the newly appointed regional director for Bush Church Aid in Queensland and Northern NSW. He will also tell us a little about BCA and his new role.
As usual the 9am service will be streamed over Zoom. The order of service for this, together with the weekly Notice Paper are attached.
Yours in Christ
Rev’d Timothy